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The mission of the Spann Watson Chapter, Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated (TAI) is to bring together in a spirit of friendship and goodwill all persons who shared in the aspirations and success of the pioneering men and women in Black Aviation who were members of the Army Air Corps during World War II, and to inspire young people toward outstanding achievement and leadership through “real-world” and educational activities.

Welcome to our Chapter!

The Spann Watson Chapter, Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated (TAI) was chartered in February 12, 2000 honoring Lieutenant Colonel Spann Watson, a native of Johnston, South Carolina. The TAI Chapter in Columbia, South Carolina began as an initiative by the leaders at McIntyre Air National Guard Base in recognition of the Tuskegee Airmen who were the honored guests at the Annual Air Show in May 1999.


Members of the Spann Watson Chapter are active during the entire year visiting schools, churches, civic groups, corporations, and other organizations with the objectives of making people aware of Black accomplishments in aviation history, and inspiring young people to continue their education and seek opportunities in technology. In August 2006, two students from Columbia, SC, whose applications were submitted by the Spann Watson Chapter, were awarded scholarships. One student was awarded a $1,500.00 scholarship from Tuskegee Airmen Inc., and the other student was awarded $1,500.00 scholarship from Tuskegee Airmen Inc., in addition to a four-year scholarship from Pratt and Whitney, Inc. valued at $20,000.

  • To honor the accomplishments and perpetuate the history of African-Americans who participated in aircrew, ground crew, and operations support in the Army Air Corps during WWII.
  • To inspire and motivate young men and women toward outstanding achievements and leadership for careers in aviation, engineering technology and aerospace.

The Spann Watson Chapter meets at 7:00pm on the first Thursday of each month at Midlands Technical College, Northeast Campus. General membership dues are $85.00 a year. Special membership dues are available for students and active duty enlisted military personnel.

© 2015 Spann Watson Chapter


P.O. Box 24073  •  Columbia, SC 29224-4073

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